Tag Archive: Self-help


Lie #2: You Are Enough

You are enough sounds like a positive affirmation of talents, personality and strengths. However, it enslaves people to the lie that they are solely responsible to handle their current struggles and future challenges – even when those things are completely overwhelming or even impossible to handle on their own.

No matter what self-help books, YouTube videos and social media tell you, you are NOT enough, but Jesus Christ is. Discover how you are enough in Jesus Christ.

Livestream with us, Sunday, at 9:45 am!

Help us make this service participatory! Please gather your household. Open or print the Note Sheet to take notes during the message. Sing and respond during the service.

Our service will also be streamed live on Facebook and available afterward at:

Click on the links below to view and/or print:

Note Sheet


Request Prayer

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