

More Like Jesus

To be a part of God’s big plan of redeeming and restoring people, I need to become more like Jesus, less like me. Of course, becoming like Jesus is beyond me, so He comes in me through Baptism, through His Word and through His Supper. Then I become a child of God with Jesus inside, making me more like Him in doing good. Then I become more like Jesus as He transforms me through Jesus training to live love and make disciples who make disciples.

Livestream with us at 9:45 on YouTube or Facebook.

Help us make this service participatory! Please gather your household. Open or print the Note Sheet to take notes during the message. Sing and respond during the service.

Our service will also be streamed live on Facebook and available afterward at:

Click on the links below to view and/or print:

Note Sheet


Request Prayer

Subscribe to our YouTube channel, please! You’ll be able to find our videos more quickly and others will be more likely to find us. Thank you for subscribing! Our new YouTube channel name is


Discipling Here

God has a great big plan to redeem and restore all things, making everything new. My small part in His big plan is serving and living like Jesus, bearing fruit and multiplying His love, goodness and life throughout the earth, and helping others do the same.

Help us make this service participatory! Please gather your household. Open or print the Note Sheet to take notes during the message. Sing and respond during the service.

Our service will also be streamed live on Facebook and available afterward at:

Click on the links below to view and/or print:

Note Sheet


Request Prayer

Subscribe to our YouTube channel, please! You’ll be able to find our videos more quickly and others will be more likely to find us. Thank you for subscribing! Our new YouTube channel name is


Discipling Is…

Perhaps you believe discipling is so complicated that you think only Bible scholars and heroes of faith can do it. But the way Jesus disciples is simple, relational and transformational. Discover how Jesus disciples so you may better disciple your family, fellow church members, friends at work and school, and people where you live and play.

Help us make this service participatory! Please gather your household. Open or print the Note Sheet to take notes during the message. Sing and respond during the service.

Our service will also be streamed live on Facebook and available afterward at:

Click on the links below to view and/or print:

Note Sheet


Request Prayer

Subscribe to our YouTube channel, please! You’ll be able to find our videos more quickly and others will be more likely to find us. Thank you for subscribing! Our new YouTube channel name is


The Disciple’s Habits

I like some of the t-shirts I see at the gym these days. Some of them point out that a lot of what we do at the gym is kind of absurd. “I lift heavy circles,” and “I pick things up and put them down.” And it’s true that, reduced to its parts, one can easily point out the absurdity in weight training.

When I’m talking to guys who are younger than me, I sometimes tell them that if they’re lifting weights just to lift heavier weights, then they need new motivation. Exercise is supposed to help you OUTSIDE the gym. In fact, ALL habits should serve a purpose other than themselves. A habit done for the sake of habit is completely pointless.

Help us make this service participatory! Please gather your household. Open or print the Note Sheet to take notes during the message. Sing and respond during the service.

Our service will also be streamed live on Facebook and available afterward at:

Click on the links below to view and/or print:

Note Sheet


Request Prayer

Subscribe to our YouTube channel, please! You’ll be able to find our videos more quickly and others will be more likely to find us. Thank you for subscribing! Our new YouTube channel name is

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